Monday, May 10, 2010

Failings of the spoof genre.

Spoof movies are popular and I clearly remember Scary Movie stating there would be no sequels.

Here are my thoughts on spoofs:

Spoof movies just arent funny but instead rely heavily on slapstick comedy. An example of an excellent comedy which did not rely slapstick is "The Hangover." This movie was so well done, I can watch it multiple times and still find it funny.

Spoof movies rely on gross humor, sex and profanity. Resorting to fart jokes, sex jokes, etc is easy. It means the writer doesn't have to be original but instead can fall back on predictable jokes. Movie ticket prices are high and concession food prices are even higher, at least give the audience a film worthy enough to spend money on.

Spoof movies really can only be watched once. George Lucas is an excellent storyteller. He creates films that can stand up to repeated viewings. Spoof movies are maybe funny once but after that, they are just not worth the dvd prices.

For those greenlighting these films, take a look at past box office performances for these films, take a look at dvd sales. Do you really want to spend millions of dollars on a stupid film that will barely sale any dvds? Apparently you do because these films keep getting made.

For example, MacGruber. Wow, Hollywood is really running out of ideas if they selected an SNL skit to spend (according to Wikipedia) 10 million dollars on.

When I watch a film, I don't want to feel dumb afterwards. There are movies that can be silly yet actually good. For example, Dumb and Dumber. It's a goofy film, but it's funny and has classic lines and can be watched over and over. The same is true for Nacho Libre.

When I see a film, I usually label it as a movie that was nice to watch once but I wouldn't buy the dvd or a film that was great and I can't wait for the dvd. Spoof movies deserves none of these labels. The only label these films deserve is " Caution. Bad Film. Flee to nearest exit"

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