Monday, May 10, 2010

The Karate Kid - An Exercise in Nepotism

I am sure that everyone who has ever worked hard for something and didn't get it let out a collective gasp as they were kicked in the stomach by the new The Karate Kid trailer. The movie stars Jaden Smith, produced by his mom and dad. If there had been an international search for the new "karate kid" would Jaden have been chosen?

I imagine the conversation went something like this, " Daddy, I want to be in a movie and be a movie star too." " Okay, son, let's remake a popular movie and make you the star."

I see something like this movie and compare it to my own journey. I have no connections or ways to get my foot in any door because I don't even know where the door is. I've written and written and struggled and when (need to think positive) I finally get an agent, it will be because I worked hard and never gave up, so it is a slap in the face to see someone glide into the movie industry on his mom and dad's coat tails while I'm still here typing at my laptop and waiting for responses from the numerous query letters I sent out.

I can imagine spending 35 million (the budget for The Karate Kid according to Wikipedia) on a film that is unique, that is unpredictable and thrilling but to spend 35 million on a remake of a film just so your kid can be in a movie is a waste of money.

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