Monday, May 10, 2010

Prelude - Psychological Thriller

Prelude is one of my screenplays. The idea came when I was searching through pictures on my laptop and discovered a picture of my Mom and myself at a Soap Opera event. Behind us was a guy who would later become my coworker. I thought it was interesting that I managed to captured the image of someone I would later meet. I started thinking what if someone had taken a picture and ended up capturing something else, for example a wife and coworker in the background in an intimate embrace?

That is how the idea of "Prelude" was born. A picture would be taken and in the background a private moment between a wife and another man would be captured. I intended it at first to be a horror story, but it became a psychological thriller, so still contains elements of horror.

When I write, I like to imagine what the audience would imagine the ending to be, then write something completely different. For a story containing a love triangle, I would imagine a fight at the end with the bad guy getting killed which is the ending of MANY movies out there, so I wrote something different.

I needed characters who weren't 100 percent good or 100 percent evil because not everyone is all good or all bad. Even evil people have someone who love them, someone they show kindness to and even "good people" are capable of evil. And how does someone become evil? These were the themes I wanted to explore in "Prelude."

Below is a brief synopsis.

"Prelude" is a psychological thriller which tells the story of Sam Miller, whose life unravels after he is shown a photograph of his wife, Lola, with another man, Michael Lush. Sam's suspicions consume him and he soon realizes that Michael's plans for Lola and the world are much darker than he ever imagined.

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